COVID-19 Activity

You can join our (virtual) monthly meetings – always the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7PM. Information to join is shared on our mailing list a few days before the event, just click request to join group to receive e-mail notifications. The monthly meeting is set up as a 7 minute show and tell, you’re welcome to share a project you’re working on/completed/etc. No sales pitches please.

5/22/2020 we will remain voluntarily closed until late spring/early summer 2021. Please get yourself vaccinated so our community can recover and reopen faster! If you need support or assistance on a project please feel free to reach out to “team AT sector67 . O R G” and we’ll see what we can do to help you. We’re able to make some of our resources available outdoors or perform work for you depending on your needs. You can provide financial support for our organization while we remain closed, we appreciate your support and we will see you on the other side!

Please keep yourself and your family safe, the less transmissions that occur, the less overloaded our healthcare providers will be. Even if you are young you are still at risk yourself and more importantly at transmission to those you are nearby. Please keep our community safe and follow government guidelines (and common sense when those are in opposition)

We were happy to play a small role in assisting Dr. Alison Craig with her droplet barrier.

Thanks to a generous die donation by Plastic Ingenuity we have a die cut pattern for Olson face masks as well as square masks (that require two 9″x4.5″ and one 9″x7″ pieces). Many thanks to our SASY Neighborhood Association for sponsoring this Dane County Mask Makers to purchase more materials and elastic – please reach out to them directly to request mask donations.

We’ve cut over 15k+ mask patterns so far!

If you’re interested in having us cut material for you we need you to prepare it so we can cut it quickly:

  • Please prewash and dry (shrink) your fabric so the size won’t change when it is washed (if you don’t mind, we don’t need it prewashed)
  • The die will cut one pattern for both sides, if you’d like correct patterns out for both sides then you must fold the material at least once so it’s back to back or face to face when it goes into the cutter (this will make mirrored cuts)
  • Prepare your fabric into 10″ x 20″ rectangles, these can be individual layers or Z-folded material in as many layers as you can stack
  • Please make sure your material is flat, the knife will cut straight down through a fold/etc meaning the size will be wrong if it’s folded or bunched. Ironing is not necessary as long as it lays flat.
  • Coordinate with the e-mail address above to drop off material. We can cut it while you wait if you’ve prepared it correctly, we just need to know which pattern you want
  • Thank you to all the sew-ers doing the hard work!
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