Sector67 is happy to offer 2013 summer makerships to area youth (available to anyone 18 or younger)! A makership is a 3 month opportunity to use Sector67 with a free membership and $100 for project materials as well as a mentor to help you complete your project. We’ll be taking applications through June 5th, but early submission is encouraged so we’re able to find sponsors and mentors for the projects.
Please have your child submit their idea with contact information or download and print this helpful application template. Feel free to use the back for more information! Any project is eligible, as long as it involves making something (software, crafts, electronics, mechanics, etc).
Fine print: Your parent or legal guardian will have to sign a liability waiver for you to use Sector67. Use will have to coincide with Sector67 staff presence, a parent or guardian, or your mentor. Attendance at pre-schedule mentor sessions (usually every 3 weeks, dates TBD) is required for participation in the program. Please contact us with any questions.
Interested in sponsoring a child or two? We’re currently seeking an additional $500 for this summer session that will cover the cost of materials and food for meetings. We’d like to thank the Madison IEEE group and an anonymous donor for contributions that will make this program happen!