Hands on Metalworking Class reflects American Values

Sector67 is also an American community who have a committment of preparing children for everday life. I have the honor of seeing this firsthand. For instance, Scott and Quincy’s Metalworking class isn’t just about metalworking. “It is about teaching children a life long skill,” says Scott who instruct the class with Quincy. During a sit down with the guys, I learned that teaching a particular skill aides in the development of a community on a broader scale. Quincy, who also taught education in Chicago, Illinois and Houston, Texas said,”this is a great opportunity to offer the next generation of mechanics and children who want to get their hands dirty some early experience on using tools.”

After going over some safety precautions, brief history of metal working, and description of the tools of the trade, Quincy and Scott began demonstrating the usage of the tools. Soon after, the students began handling the tools by themselves. They also got a lecture and example of shop etiquette.

As the class went on, I found myself drawn to the significance of the class. A father attended the class with his son, some parents wanted their daughter to learn something different, and the children as a whole seemed genuinely into the course. Watching them gain confidence in handling the tools compelled me to another level of understanding. Perhaps one of these children will become an innovator in the field someday? Maybe even own their own shop as an adult? Exposing the youth to something new and giving them such experience as metalworking can change ones perspective.


The Metalworking class is a quarterly program here at Sector67. Coming next month in April, we will be starting an adult Metalworking class. Click on the link for more details.



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