The March meeting held on 03/07/2017 was another interesting affair held at Sector67. Presenters and attendants alike seemed to enjoy it. As I took pictures, I noticed that they all were picturesque. Each image I captured singed a memory in my mind. Inspirational creativity. Reason to challenge myself more. The experience of Show and Tell gives me a deeper understanding of how people makes the world go round. The humility at the March Meeting was the highlight in my opinion. For instance, Shira presented a talking caliper for the blind and visually impaired. Pardon me, Shira presented a talking caliper (which is a project she is working on) for the blind and visually impaired. Yes, that is very selfless and fascinating. But enough for my opinions, Lon brought his metal sculpture named “Fireworks” that he worked on during the winter. Kate and Brian presented their plaque that was the trophy for Isthmus Beer and Cheese Event. It’s all here for you to read more about and much more.


The night was eloquently started with Shira presenting a talking caliper for the blind and visually impaired. The caliper comes equipped with a SD card, speaker and audio jack.

Shira explained that the caliper she is working on will be able to improve on the price of talking calipers in the market and will be open source and available to anyone who would like to make one.

Shira is a Electrical Engineer as well as a member of Sector67 who has also created MOARbots, which we featured in 2015. The modest engineer spoke passionately about being able to do something beneficial for others.


Attendees of March’s Show and Tell surround Shira as she answers questions about her talking caliper for the blind and visually impaired.


Lon’s sculpture kept the momentum going. It is a winter art project he affectionately called; “Fireworks”. The sleek and unique design is really difficult to photograph. Fireworks are always better seen live. However, I was able to capture Lon detailing some of the detailed work he had to put into it.




















Kate and Brian presented the trophy they made for the winners at the 8th annual Isthmus Beers and Cheese event. Trophies went to the best beer, booth and cheese. The design of the plaque actually comes from artwork from a previous Isthmus Newspaper Beer and Cheese event. As you can see in the plaque’s design, the artwork consisted of the shape of Wisconsin in all things cultural to Madison.


Trophy designed by Katie and Brian using art in vector-based format.





Joe showed up to talk about a cool gadget called a “Tourbillon” that makes the ticking sound in clocks and watches.

Joe showing the design of the Tourbillon he made on a 3D printer at Sector67 during Show and Tell.

















Scott ended the night with the introduction of Sector67’s adult metalworking class and the youth metalworking class. This quarter’s class for adults will be 04/17/2017 and youth class will begin on 04/22/2017. If you are interested in the class you can reach Scott using the contact us button at the top right.








Another informative meeting at Sector67. The show and Tell Monthly Meeting takes place the first Tuesday of every month and is open to the community. In fact, if you would like to come in and present something feel free to get in touch using the link at the top right.

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