Red Bull Creation: HACKED

We got our invite Red Bull mystery box late (as in yesterday), we just opened it this afternoon, but we had it hacked within a few hours, thanks to a diligent and creative posse.

The diligent posse.

Visual fruits of our labor.

Audio fruits for our labor: rickRoll

Spoiler alert for anyone still trying to crack it! Don’t click the link below.

Our hacks can be viewed here: S67RBCreationHACK

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2 comments on “Red Bull Creation: HACKED
  1. MortalWombat says:

    Question guys, (without giving away any spoilers) what software Oscilloscope did you use? Or is the scope image you have on your spoilers the front end for a really expensive scope? We had to fight to get to that solution and that software would have made things easier.


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  1. […] hot on the heels of a mystery box from Redbull, was a mystery box from […]


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