Projects Around the Space

Over the last week there have been a bunch of interesting projects floating through the space, a quick summary:

  • Larry swapped his car strut in record time (for the 2nd time in under a year)
  • Mike finished putting UV leds and UV sensitive tape on his road bicycle, making him ultra-night-visible from the side
  • Larry built a set of bicycle turn signals and a brake light of course using an Arduino (complete with flasher modes)
  • Dougal rocked out and modified some of his electronica music
  • Scott cut up some stock for his injection molding machine V2 (drill press model)
  • CNC mill was assembled and drew its first SVG image of the S67 logo
  • Richard and kids used the LEGO table to dream up some new methods of transportation
  • CMKT4 instructed 8 people on how to create piezo-microphones, resulting in 7 bottle cap microphones by the end of the night
  • Matt created more inventory for his speaker infused backpack start-up
  • Sewing machines got tested out and are ready to create Halloween costumes
  • Prototype Joule Thief was assembled and works!  Ready for others to create more in Wednesday. . .

We’re again open for the rest of the month for free (until the 1st of November), so check the calendar for hours and/or give us a call (608-241-4605) and stop out!

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