Have you been browsing the classes and finding some pretty cool things you’d love to learn, only to find that no sessions are currently planned? We’re trying to gauge demand for classes to figure out which ones should be held next or most of often, but have so far relied on verbal feedback. Now, if you’re logged in using your forum account (link is in the far upper right), you can mark classes that you’re interested using the completely-ripped-from-f\Facebook-thumbs-up ( ), and we’ll know which to hold next!
Interest in Classes
Posted in Website
I would be interested in the following classes, in order of importance:
EagleCAD 101
CNC Milling
DC TIG Welding
MIG Welding
Oxy-Acetylene Cutting and Welding
Manual Lathe
Manual Milling
Lockpicking 101
I could help with, but not teach by myself, the following classes:
Computer Networking 101
How to Build a Custom Desktop Computer
Copper Plumbing
I would like to take Lockpicking 101. I see the basic set of picks for sale in the MakerStore and would love to know how to use them.
We have a pile of lock-picks in the mail for a class, you can get them much much cheaper through other vendors online like Deal Extreme 🙂
I too would be interested in:CNC Milling
DC TIG Welding
MIG Welding
Oxy-Acetylene Cutting and Welding
Manual Lathe
Manual Milling
Lockpicking 101
Copper Plumbing.
I could co-teach Building a custom desktop, Networking 101. I could teach chain/ring mail production.
Hey guys, just putting interest in classes in plain text in comments is actually EXACTLY the problem we’re trying to avoid. We have no way of tracking that reliably – if you log in to the website via your forum account (using the link in the above right), then you’ll see the “thumbs up” icon on class pages, and you can click that to let us know which ones you’re interested. If you list them here in the comments, it does NOT count – too hard to keep track of manually 😛
I’d be interested in pretty much all of the items on the list.
I could help teach Building a custom desktop, Networking 101, EagleCAD 101 and Chain/ring mail.
I’m interested in:
-Manual milling & lathe use
-CNC milling
-PCB production (EaglePCB or, possibly, KiCad)
I could do a class on speaker building – nothing too advanced, but useful info if you want to construct a kit or someone else’s design.
Great speaker design class would be a redesign of the EV-TL606 15″ cabinet designed for the coveted 400w EV-L 15″ driver. I’ve built modded versions from original EV blueprints. Great cab, can be reoptimized for any driver or T-S values. Amazing sounding but elegant in its simplicity. Just a thought…