Mending our Community – A Get Your Clothing Fixed Pop-up at Sector67

Mending Image

Photo courtesy of Flickr – artethgray

When: Sunday, March 30, 2014 11AM-3PM
Contact: Jenina Mella 278-7496; [email protected]

We’ll mend your clothes for free! We’ll do most small jobs such as hem your pants, shorten your dress, repair ripped seams, patch a hole, and replace a zipper or a button or two. We won’t fix luggage or do other more demanding jobs, but are happy to evaluate a repair job and make recommendations. We have most supplies on hand, but if you want to provide items, such as buttons, zippers, or thread for a particular match, we’re happy to use them.

We were delighted at the wonderful turnout at our first event in January. In anticipation of a similar turnout, we’re going to ask you to sign-in on a list and write a few words about what you need mended. We’ll take jobs in the order on the list and give them to the mender whose skills are the best match. We’ll take two small mending jobs per person or one larger job. Enjoy a cup of tea and cookie while you wait.

Note: If there’s a large turnout, we may not be able to get to your job in the timeframe of the event… but we will be back at a future date to be announced on the Sector67 list.

Posted in News
2 comments on “Mending our Community – A Get Your Clothing Fixed Pop-up at Sector67
  1. Rosa Hernandez says:

    I have a blazer with a ripped seam as well as a dress that is missing a button.


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