As the Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic (L&E Clinic) approaches its three-year anniversary, it has come a long way from our humble beginnings. Only three years ago it had no students, no clients, no office, no standardized practice, and only the dream of providing quality legal services to nascent entrepreneurs.
The L&E Clinic has developed:
- A lengthy list of potential clients
- A diverse set of legal services offered in the areas of patent, trademark, business organizations, early round financing, contracts, etc.
- The support of some of Wisconsin’s most successful law firms, which assist in strategic planning for the L&E Clinic and provide technical assistance on individual files
- Offices in the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery – the home of entrepreneurship at UW-Madison
- A growing network of resources available to assist clients in a variety of ancillary areas including accounting, finance, business planning and commercialization
- An atmosphere that seeks to find more efficient ways to assist clients on the road to commercial success
The Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic has helped us out in the past so it’s only fair we help them out too. Anyone interested in making a donation click here