Iron Pour a Success!

The Iron Pour co-hosted with FeLion Studios was a great success!  A hundred plus people made it through our shop and had a great time watching the iron pour despite the bitter cold.  No injuries to report either despite melting almost half a ton of cast iron with a cupolette furnace that sounded more like a jet engine.

Lots of great pictures and videos, here’s more than a few links:



600fps Slowmo:


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2 Pings/Trackbacks for "Iron Pour a Success!"
  1. […] Our congratulations to Alisa Toninato of FeLion Studios for making the Martha Stewart show this week!  We’re proud not only of how much progress she’s made in the last year, but of having the opportunity to host her studio’s iron pour in our parking lot earlier this year. […]

  2. […] it helps keep you from overheating when working around a hot furnace. Back in February this iron pour happened in the parking lot of the Madison, Wisconsin based Sector67 Hackerspace. Look, they’re making iron […]


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